Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Costumes

Keaton was Wolvervine. Yup, he was allowed to grow out his facial hair for weeks - he shaped the beard pretty good, but just not enough hair to 'fill in' in his youth ;) We used yellow electrical tape on his leather jacket. Pretty easy:
Brady was Robin ('old school' in Brady's terms). The boys both wore their costumes to school today. And they want to go trick-or-treating tomorrow . . . seems a little beyond their years, but I guess they're only kids for such a short time, so we'll see if anyone refuses to hand out candy to them ;)
At Enrichment we did a service trade. I got Fawn's service of sewing a costume - didn't she do awesome? =) The cape is amazing - love it!!


  1. Did I miss Enrichment AGAIN!? Oh man!

    Their costume's look awesome. I especially love Robin's

  2. So how did you do the yellow stripes on the vest? Tape. So sorry I didn't get around to it. He looks great.

  3. AWESOME!!! My boys were both Batman . . . think Brady could handle being Robin for both of them??? HeHeHeHe

  4. Oh and tell Keaton he did Wolverine's expression really well!
