Friday, March 18, 2011

Temple Endowment Handout

This is a very special photo - we took it on the day we were married in the San Diego temple =)
Lesson 16, Manual 3: Temple Endowment
handout found at


  1. Your really going to capitalize on the Church? How sad for you.

  2. I’ll admit I have thought about this, but lots of people sell LDS related things depending on their talents. Just because I am not selling music or books at Deseret Books doesn't mean I don't have good intentions.

  3. @anonynous: Mormons can be so judgmental! Lighten up. No one is getting rich. And if they were that's great! More tithing for the church!
    @ Cheri: I appreciate that you are willing to share your talent for graphic arts, since I have none! I am happy to pay a little for your time and efforts!

  4. Thank you for your comment Becky =) It is always funny to me when someone wants to 'attack' anonymously ;)

  5. Help!!!

    So, I bought and paid for the handout three times on paypal and the handout uploads onto picasa but everytime I hit print a blank page prints out. ANy suggestions????


  6. Megan - We can email you the file and refund the extra $2 you spent trying to make it work - sorry for your troubles =)

  7. Thank you for your customer service help - it did work - I am sure I was doing something wrong - and I love the handout (especially when I was not suppose to be teaching this week but the original teacher's son is having surgery - so I do not have much time to prepare). Thanks.


  8. @Dear Anonymous, If you are going to make a valid point, then use proper grammar. "Your" shows possession. "You're" means "you are." I got hung up on that, I missed what you were trying to say.......
