Sunday, October 21, 2012

pit bull vs monk seal

what is it - a view?  a rock?
it's a seal!
and we watched a pit bull walk past it as well as a few people:
jonathan and the monk seal getting some sun ;)
how cute am I?
and then a pit bull joins the party
the seal barks at the pit bull
but the pit bull keeps pestering the seal and the seal eventually goes back into the water
he probably found a different beach to take a nap on - signs say to let the seals rest on the beach and not to bother them - I think that means yer dogs too!
red billed duck
and a different one that has something growing on its left leg =(
hibiscus growing out of a hibiscus
yellow plumeria
pink plumeria
this is the mostly private beach we scouted out today:
the same beach that 6 days and 7 nights was filmed at
a silly pose from a plover

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