Saturday, October 13, 2012

slug, seabird, seal and a sunset

we did a load of laundry today and then it was 11 am . . .we made eye appointments at Costco - funny how sometimes you don't have time to do stuff until you're on vacation ;)
so we drove to the North Shore today and visited a few parks.  we ended up at the end of the road and went to Ke'e Beach and saw that the sun would set right in front of us, so we stayed put.
we saw sand pipers
jonathan wrote Mahalo on a sea slug
a tropical fish who got caught in a small tide pool - see the splashing?
we saw a monk seal
and waited for the sunset
and one with 3 seabirds flying over the water
on our way home we tried to shop - but the stores close at 6 pm daily. . . why would anyone shop during daylight when there's beautiful beaches and hikes to do?  shopping is for when the sun goes down and it's dark out ;)

this is what greeted us on our way down to our studio tonight:
usually the sound in the bushes on Kaua'i are just chickens ;)

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