Sunday, July 19, 2009

Life is Fragile . . . YW Lesson

I loved the message, 'Life is Fragile, Handle with Prayer' quoted by President Harold B. Lee in 1972 (I don't know if he made it up as I've seen that quote used a lot) - and I thought the girls could use the button I designed as a zipper pull with a precious photo that's been around a long time:
And I gave each girl a box of Life Cereal - it sure was nice it was on sale for $1.88 at Safeway the day before my lesson as I was inspired at the last minute and then HAD to have it for a handout ;)

I liked the article from James E. Faust from the July 2002 Ensign.
And the blurb I took from it for my lesson and attached to the top of the Life Cereal box was WHAT is prayer:
First, prayer is a humble acknowledgment that God is our Father and that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.
Second, it is a sincere confession of sin and transgression and a request for forgiveness.
Third, it is recognition that we need help beyond our own ability.
Fourth, it is an opportunity to express thanksgiving and gratitude to our Creator.
It is important that we frequently say: "We thank Thee," "We acknowledge before Thee ," "We are grateful unto Thee"
Fifth, it is a privilege to ask Deity for specific blessings.
The girl kneeling and prayer graphic found
The lesson itself had an idea for an 'invite' and it worked awesome for participation! I just customized it:
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