We made muffins and cut out these dresses, except for the middle part as we just folded them in half and stuck a toothpick in the middle, and glued them shut. Then everyone knew what kind of muffin they were taking before everyone started touching all of them, smelling them and then putting them back ;)

Each T-word had a teapot with flowers and the T-word:
This was a note card put by the teapot flowing flowers into a cup - picture below with the 3 white dresses:

Google Doc found here.
My body is a temple, there's no doubt
Spotless and pure, inside and out
Worldly temptations have no clout
Choosing the right helps me stay on route!
I have a testimony, that is true
The gospel of Christ was taught by you
Thank you for showing me God's clear view
I felt good as my faith simply grew.