Tuesday, July 1, 2008

2 year olds

My friend Christina had her twins yesterday, so Ethan stayed the night at my house. Ethan climbed out of his playpen and upstairs to greet us this morning. I was thinking he wouldn't climb out because he didn't climb out of his crib at home, so I didn't check on him before 7:30 am. I thought for sure I would hear him babbling or crying a bit because he was in an unfamiliar place. What I find in his playpen is Ethan had found something to amuse himself before he got out of bed this morning:
Giant Gumballs! I thought, they look like they're all there, he must have thought they were just toy balls =) Yeah, right - then I found the evidence - a chewed piece of gum sitting in the middle of my hallway (for sure I imagine some was swallowed - sorry Christina!):

This stash is on the table next to the playpen - silly me for not thinking it might not be safe there ;) I am the camp cook and doing all the food (and candy because the theme is Willy Wonka) for Girl's Camp this year.

So, while I'm busy taking photos of the 'cute' gumball incidence, Ethan tells me that the 'medicine' is yucky:

Okay, so honestly, one must keep an eye on a 2 year old AT ALL TIMES! Picture taking of other funny moments must not require turning your back to a child =) As you can imagine, any thoughts of showering before I dropped him off at another friend's house diminished! I would have had to strap him into his carseat inside the house and put on a movie for showering purposes ;) But I decided showering could wait! Good thing the worst drug we have in our house is Pepto-Bismol (but I learned that the main ingredient is aspirin and is dangerous to a child under six if more than 2 tablets {of 262 mg each of Bismuth Subsalicylate} are swallowed)! And even better that it doesn't taste good. I hope Christina forgives me!! On the phone, Ethan tells his mommy that he ate dirt (which he must have at one point in his life to have compared that taste to Pepto-Bismol - LoL) - so while I was laughing (only because I knew I was sorta safe from being a horrible friend because he hadn't ingested even one pill), I didn't want to alarm Christina who's in the hospital less than 24 hours after giving birth to twins and tell her what it was he really tried until after she gets home. I feel bad because now this episode has been logged with Poison Control Center - his name and phone number - SORRY! The one pill he did get a hold of is mostly smeared on his face, shirt and arm. A really good lesson in not trusting those child-resistant lids too! So swallowing gum was obviously the better (tastier) choice ;) Smart kid!
You're calling me right now to watch your kids, aren't you?


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christina can't get mad at anyone as you probably have learned by now, very cute shots, it makes up for it that you would watch him at all, a loving auntey from far away, ab