I told Brady that we are watching Bailey while Andrew (who is Brady's friend) and Emma (who is one of my Beehives) go on vacation. Here's the conversation:
Me: I told Emma I'd watch Bailey, her dog, while they go to Utah for a week
Brady: why mom?
Me: because it'll be fun and she's SO sweet and SUPER cute!
Brady: how old is she?
Me: she's 3.
Brady: that's a baby
Me: not really . . .
Brady: so basically Keaton and I have to watch her while you're at work?
Me: you probably won't have to do much - she'll love hanging out in the backyard - it's fenced in completely.
Brady: we just really wanted to hang out with our friends this week. Why did you say we'd watch her?
Me: it's good practice for when we get one - it's really not going to be that big of a deal. You can still leave and go play with your friends - just leave her here.
Brady: (looking at me like he doesn't believe that I'll really let him just leave Bailey home alone)
Me: call Andrew and ask what time they're dropping her off in the morning
Brady: (sighs)
Brady calls Andrew and I can barely overhear Brady's conversation, but got the impression Brady thought we were watching a little girl! So I yell 'Bailey is their dog Brady!' Brady's was like 'ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'! I guess Brady didn't hear the word 'dog' - LoL Andrew has a niece who is 2 1/2 and that's who Brady was thinking of.
Brady was very relieved I did not sign him up for babysitting a 3 year old all week! And we had a good laugh over the thought of me telling him that a 3 year old could stay by herself and we could keep her in the backyard just because it was fenced! Not to mention the part 'it was good practice for when we get one' - hehe

This is Emma's best friend Becca holding Bailey, we went to the park for YW/YM activity night and brought Bailey so she could run around - but she just sat on the blanket with me the whole time and was so well behaved! Becca was missing Emma, so I'm sending this pic to Emma in an email:

Bailey was going for the profile pose or something ;)