Yes, a long time joke to all - we put both socks in the washer and by the time we get them out of the dryer, 1 sock to the pair has mysteriously vanished!
One day while at a street fair when Brady was 6 and Keaton was 5 and we came across this 'toy':
So, anyway I use this device for grabbing the laundry that falls behind the washer and dryer and find MANY missing socks and boxers and mittens and t-shirts - it's great! It is over 10 years old and still going strong - this is an amazing tool, probably one of my favorites!
So, socks do not really disappear, they're just hiding!
That mommy toy is a must. However, this mommy accidentally left it in reach of her 2 and 4 year old. My black rubber pads are now missing and it doesn't work the same! But before it was 'broken' I was able to get my rolling pin out from behind the oven! I missed my rolling pin, which is yet another toy the kids love to play with that isn't really a toy at all. By the way, I love all of your fun ideas.
I found one at Toys are us before Christmas last year. It is amazing the uses. (O:
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