I made a handout for our Invitation Sunday lesson on Prophets of God, but I stretched a bit and thought I could use the saying 'Don't count sheep, talk to the Shepherd' because how else will YOU KNOW a true prophet of God unless you ask in prayer? =) If you are a member of Stackable Crew, I can send you the handout (without the white lines through the image -hehe) for you to use. **Don't ask Stackable Crew for the handout - they only have the images. I am willing to share the handout if you've purchased Stackable Crew's right to use her artwork. Leave me a comment on the blog with your contact info and I'll pop the handout to you through email. TYThe team of 3 winners (we had to do teams because there are 12 girls) of the game I made up called Prophetland (tailored after Candyland which was Becca's idea - one of my Beehives) will get a wood block with the handout modged podged complete with a ribbon. The rest of em will just get the handout ;)
Here is the spinner I made for the game - we chose 5 colors and that's how they'll advance. The staff spins around if you flick it:
Here are the questions that I took mostly from Gospel Principles - Prophets of God lesson. I let the girls spin if they could answer the question correctly, we had colored squares on the backs of the chairs.
I LOVE "Don't Count Sheep. I joined the Stackable Crew just to get it but can't find it. I hope you will email it to me. I want to make this for the YW I teach. It is darling. Thanks for your great ideas!
Tricia, I need your email address and I will send the file to you. Stackable Crew just supplied the images, I created the handout - so you wouldn't find it on their site - so sorry for this confusion! Thanks - Cheri
I joined the stackable crew as well but was not able to open anything. Once I made the pay pal payment it wouldn't let me open anything up. Not sure what I did wrong. I would love to do the shepherd handout you have.
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