I loved the message from President Uchtdorf 'You Are My Hands' so I made a handout for visiting teaching in May:

My husband just noticed the dirt under the fingernails - LoL He said 'they could have cleaned the dirt out of their nails before taking this picture'. It just means these hands have been working, right? Makes it more realistic . . .
I love your cute handouts ! Thanks so much, although I am still in YW my YW's leader assigns each of us a 5th Sunday to teach. I will deffinitley return and use your cute handouts.
Thanks !
p.s. Your son's are both handsome. Keaton's so cute :)
love it!!!
Hi there! I am officially one of your biggest fans :) I love how creative you are, it has definitely help my creative juices get going. THANK YOU fo rall you do and for sharing so much of your talents and your good looking family ;)- Celia
I used this idea,of the hands of Christ, and it was a hit!! The sisters loved it so much
Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas!
i love each and everyone of your ideas.. being a convert (2yrs this June) and being called into primary.. I keep everything church related i see.. because you never know where you can use it.. Thanks again
I did use this handout for May, I thought it was great, I attached it to a pair of garden gloves. Thanks for sharing.
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